Àlex Llorca also joins the Girona project in the LEB Or

Àlex Llorca is the second new face of Bàsquet Girona after the incorporation of Pep Busquets, on loan from Joventut, and the fifth player confirmed for the LEB Or project with the continuity of Albert Sàbat, Gerard Sevillano and Robert Cosialls. Llorca was already part of the 3×3 Girona Basketball team promoted by Marc Gasol this summer alongside Nacho Martín, Sergio de la Fuente, Javi Vega, Sergi Pino and Xevi Guirao.

“I am very happy to be part of an ambitious project that is growing year by year, I know that things are going very well and I come with a lot of enthusiasm to be able to carry the hunger that I have after a very complicated for me by the injury and the coronavirus “, says Llorca, who, after months without playing due to a back injury in the final stretch of his stage at Fuenlabada, had returned to the tracks with A Coruña’s LEB before that the covid-19 pandemic would stop the competition.

Trained in Barça and Hospitalet’s basketball base, Alex Llorca (27 years old and 1.92) made his ACB debut with Manresa (60 games between 2009 and 2011), then played four years in LEB OR (Tarragona, Alicante, Lleida and A Coruña) before returning to the ACB with Fuenlabrada in the summer of 2015. Four seasons with the Madrid team until a back injury forced him to undergo surgery last summer. Without a team, last season Llorca started it focused on his recovery, and on the possibility of playing the pre-Olympic with the Spanish 3×3 team, until an offer from Leyma Coruña reopened the doors of the competition, in this case of the LEB Gold, the month of February. A return to the tracks that, after a few games, was truncated by the coronavirus. And that will now continue in Girona with Marc Gasol, both in 3×3 and LEB Or.

“I would like to thank the trust that Marc (Gasol), Carles Marco and Jordi Pla for coming to Girona, I am dying to come to train and play parts in Fontajau; I hope we have a great season “, says Llorca.



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