Werder Bremen after fan party: Is there a risk of trouble? That’s what Ulrich Mäurer says!

Bremen – Hundreds of SV Werder Bremen fans celebrated Saturday’s 6-1 victory over 1. FC Köln and the relegation. The police had to intervene. Does that have any consequences? Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer is now responding.

The concern was in the room, but has evaporated again: Werder Bremen Home game in the relegation is not at risk. Although several hundred people played early Saturday evening after their 6-1 win against 1. FC Köln before Weser Stadium had violated the applicable corona regulations, thinks the indoor senator Ulrich Mäurer not after a cancellation of the lot.

Werder Bremen fans celebrate despite the corona virus pandemic at the Weser Stadium – that’s what Ulrich Mäurer says

“Fortunately, thousands of Werder fans have dominated and celebrated the win against Cologne at home. This is absolutely worthy of recognition, ”said the SPD politician when asked by the DeichStube. “It is all the more annoying that a few hundred fans have pretended that there is no Corona anymore.” But to cancel the relegation first leg of SV Werder Bremen next Thursday is disproportionate. Instead, Mäurer appealed to the fans. “For Thursday: join in, cheer, but please from home, please.”

As of the original announcement on June 27, 2020:

Hundreds of Werder Bremen fans celebrate at the Weser Stadium – does that have consequences?

The swimmer, who comes out of the neighboring stadium pool in Bremen early Saturday evening – the bag under his arm, the towel still over his shoulders – is visibly irritated at first. Before the Weser Stadium there is no getting through! About 500 FansThe police will estimate it later, but it could have been a lot more, they spontaneously got together in front of the east curve to get there Werder Bremen no longer considered possible jump on the Relegation place to celebrate.

Waving flags, loud chants and honking cars: there are atmospheric pictures, no question. in the Corona Context however, they seem just as strange, because hardly anyone keeps their distance here. The police approaches, in the end everything remains peaceful. An evening in front of the Weserstadion.

Werder Bremen fans celebrate reaching the relegation like a German championship

Around 50 people have set up in front of the stadium’s fan shop during the game. Cell phones, radios, live streams, all of this conveys good news after the other: Tor Werder Bremen, Tor Union Berlin, Tor Werder – the temporary rescue, at the latest from the middle of the second half, it is a sure-fire success. Camera teams capture the first cheers, Pizarro chants, Ujah tributes. “Now we want that HSV! ”Then it’s over, then it gradually gets crowded on Franz-Böhmert-Straße. “Like the championship!” Shouts a man in a black event jersey. And indeed: for a brief moment, reaching the relegation feels like the old, glorious moments.

The Cologne bus pulls up to gradually collect the Cologne players. Every replacement and supervisor, however unknown, is celebrated loudly! Tenor: Thanks for this 6: 1 with the manageable resistance! It made sure that also in Bremen on June 27th: “Et still jot jejange!” As Anthony Modeste on the bus, it gets particularly loud: “Modeste, Modeste, Anthony Modeste!” SV Werder Bremen fans. So long and fervently that the Effzeh striker reappears in the door shortly after getting in, waves, knocks on the logo.

Werder Bremen: Does the gathering of fans at the Weserstadion have any consequences?

A little later a police car appears, the loudspeakers on the roof creak briefly, then: “Congratulations on reaching the relegation site, but please keep to the distance rules.” Many fans try to do this, but it is not possible. It is simply too full for this, the emotions are too fresh for many. But one thing is clear: a larger crowd in front of the stadium? That is exactly what Bremen’s senator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) always wanted to prevent.

Why he threatened it, none in Bremen Ghost games allow. Now it has happened. Will there be consequences? Still unclear. The first assessment of the police came on Saturday evening comparatively mild: “As a rule, the people addressed were insightful and cooperative. According to current knowledge, there have been no major incidents so far, ”says a press release. (dco)


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