“We enjoyed this evening, I saw some dancing talents” (Video) –

Guest of “The Team” on Canal + Sport Afrique, Sadio Mané revealed how the players experienced the evening of coronation from a distance and above all the joy after an accomplished season.

“As I said, we all watched the match (Chelsea –Man City) with great pleasure. We are champions, whatever the way. This season has not been easy with the truce imposed by the covid-19. So there is no frustration, on the contrary, we feel great joy ”, he suggested in this video operated by Senego.

Sadio Mané who, obviously, cannot hide his joy, returned to their party. “It was a magical evening! We all followed the match yesterday (Editor’s note: Thursday) with the staff, the players, everyone was there. We enjoyed this evening, I saw some dancing talents, it was impressive (laughs). The coach (Klopp) was the one who danced the most. It looks like he was in a nightclub, ”said the 2019 African Ballon d’Or.



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