Vanin does not have the necessary qualifications to become a sports director of the Football Federation

The candidate for the position of the President of the LFF, the Minister of the Interior Sandis Ģirģens (KPV LV) will offer important organizational positions to Juris Laizāns and Andris Vaņins.

In case of Girgen’s victory, the former Latvian national team midfielder Laizāns would become the Secretary General of the LFF. Laizāns currently works for the Russian football club “Krasnodar”, where he is engaged in the selection of new players.

Latvian national goalkeeper Vaniņš has been offered the position of LFF sports director. Vanin is currently the second goalkeeper of the Swiss club “Zurich”, but in March the footballer said that he was ready to end his career if he did not have a binding offer after this season.

The newspaper “Diena” has investigated that Vaniņš does not have the necessary qualifications to hold a position in which an experienced athlete is seen by Ģirģens. This is provided for in the previously developed job description of the International Federation of Football Federations (FIFA).

It stipulates that the sports director must have extensive knowledge of national football, be a former player, have experience as a coach, have a top-class coaching diploma, have knowledge of football education and a number of other skills.

The highest Pro UEFA category coach license in Latvia, followed by A-UEFA, B-UEFA and C-LFF licenses. However, the candidate for the position of sports director Vanins is still studying to obtain a lower or C-LFF category license, the goalkeeper revealed in an interview for the July issue of the magazine “Sporta Avīze”, which will be published this week.

“After sitting at home for two months, I started studying for LFF coaches in category C. Cool, I like it! I learn a lot of interesting things. I am also studying for a goalkeeper coach. The training will last until August and the diploma will be in my pocket,” Vanin said the resumption of football season after the pandemic crisis will make it harder for him to learn a license, he may have to skip some sessions, but the federation will still send homework and videos that the player is committed to learning.

“As an active footballer, I didn’t have time to learn, although I wanted to do it a long time ago. In the last couple of months, it has appeared and I realized – we have to learn.”

From December 2012 to the beginning of this year, the position of LFF sports director was held by Dainis Kazakevičs, who has already been appointed the head coach of the national team.

One week ago, Edgars Pukinsks, Secretary General of the LFF, told the portal “Delfi” that small changes had been made in the job description of the sports director. A national team has already been set up, headed by the head coach of the men’s national team to ensure the implementation and supervision of the football philosophy in a full pyramid from the national team to children’s and youth football, and the sports director will be the head of the football department education.

In a conversation with the portal, Pukinsks did not hide that the main candidate for this position is Yuri Andreev, who has previously worked for a long time as the head of the Education Department. Talks with him took place before the pandemic started, but now they have stopped halfway.

The agency LETA has already reported that the LFF Board has agreed to set July 3 as the date of this year’s congress at its May 12 meeting, and calls on the LFF Appeals Commission to make a final decision on candidates’ eligibility for the new board elections

The LFF Congress will hold elections for the president, board and members of legal institutions.

Two candidates are applying for the position of the President of the LFF – the President of the Latvian Indoor Football Association Vadim Lashenko and the Minister of the Interior Sandis Ģirģens (KPV LV).

Sergei Kovalev, Olaf Pulks and Vladimir Steinberg will apply for two vice presidential positions. Anastasija Kučinska, Guntars Indriksons, Jānis Engelis, Andis Rozītis, Emīls Latkovskis, Jānis Apse, Nauris Mackevičs and Viktorija Mihaļčuka will compete for six seats on the LFF board.

Earlier, Lašenko announced via Facebook that his team would include Sergejs Kovaļovs, director of Tukums Sports School, Olafs Pulks, Chairman of the Board of JDFS “Alberts”, Viktorija Mihaļčuka, Head of LFF Administration, Andis Rozītis, Head of Vidzeme Football Center, Jānis, Head of Dinamo Rīga Football Club Apse, general director of football club “Daugavpils” Nauris Mackevičs, president of football club “Super Nova” Jānis Engelis and former executive league executive director Emīls Latkovskis.

Lashenko’s team has created a Latvian football development program for 2020-2024. The program includes 11 development directions.

In his team, Girgens will gather Juris Laizāns and Andris Vānins, with Laizāns providing the position of general secretary, Vānins – the chair of sports director.

Ģirģens in the Latvian football development strategy “One for all. All for one. The road to success.” has included points on LFF’s reputation and role as president, implementation of good governance principles, LFF structure, Latvian football philosophy and history, sports science, coach development, IT solutions, infrastructure and national level cooperation, international cooperation, match-fixing and finance.

The election congress was scheduled for April 24, but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

At the LFF Extraordinary Congress last October, members decided to remove Kaspars Gorkš, President of the organization. 67 members voted in favor of his suspension, 60 against and two abstained.

Gorkš was elected LFF president last year for two years, replacing Guntis Indriksons.

Currently, the organization works without a president, and LFF Secretary General Edgars Pukinsk has the right to sign.

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