The Weather | Sports | Toquita Mejias died, recognized fan of the Anzoatiguense sport

Mejías was widely known to spectators who attended sporting events / Photo: Internet

Toquita Mejias, recognized fan of sports teams in the Anzoátegui state, died on Sunday afternoon. This was reported by the entity’s governor, Antonio Barreto Sira, through her social networks.

Mejías was widely known to the spectators who attended sporting events, since his presence was habitual in each of the games that were held. For this reason she was recognized as “Fanatic number 1” and remained so until her departure at 101 years of age became official.

The news of his death was released by relatives of Toquita minutes before the governor’s pronouncement.

In honor of his work over the past decades, several stadiums and sports complexes in the area bear his name.

Puerto La Cruz / Web writing




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