Stephen Curry must still smoke a joint with Matt Barnes

Several NBA players have never hidden their attraction to marijuana. As we know, many voices are raised to advocate the use of medical cannabis. Among the NBA alumni, Matt Barnes has always campaigned for this. And at the Golden State Warriors, the veteran had tried to convince several of his teammates to try. In particular the playmaker Stephen Curry. After the title won in 2017, the superstar has visibly fulfilled a promise to Barnes, who has not forgotten …

“Stephen Curry owes me a session where he smokes with me … I asked him, if we won the title, are you ready to try to smoke? And he nodded,” shared Matt Barnes for his podcast.

Behind the fun side of this anecdote, a real debate can arise on the use of marijuana in the NBA. Will the League be the first to lead a real green revolution? This is a real possibility and NBA boss Adam Silver could break the codes. For example, a star like Kevin Durant campaign for legalization in the NBA. In any case, Stephen Curry will probably have to fulfill his promise at the insistence of Matt Barnes.


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