Sporting de Charleroi: after Penneteau and Dessoleil, Cristophe Diandy extends – The latest transfers

If his season was cut short by a severe knee injury, Cristophe Diandy had demonstrated, before that, how precious he could be for Charleroi.

On the sidelines for more than six months, Cristophe Diandy has signed a new contract with Sporting. He is now linked to Charleroi until the end of the season. A strong signal from Sporting to a player who, before being injured, had imposed himself under the orders of Karim Belhocine: he had started the first 11 league games.

And the Senegalese, who arrived in Mambourg six years ago, is necessarily delighted. “I’ve been here for a long time, I know everyone, Charleroi, it’s a second family for me,” he insists. After Nicolas Penneteau and Dorian Dessoleil, he is the third ‘old’ to sign a new contract in a few days.


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