Slag. Hit in a nutshell. Fogo The Union can be even stronger. The entrance of the dragon, Jaimon Lidsey

Fogo Unia has won another victory in this year’s competition. Once again, the statement proved that when one of the hazel rides slower, the other makes up for the effective ride. It was mainly Poles who failed in Motorbike.

Mateusz Kozanecki

Janusz Kołodziej

WP SportoweFakty / Jakub Brzózka / Janusz Kołodziej.

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COMMENT. Jarosław Hampel did not have to wait long for the first performance against his current club. However, the knowledge of the Leszno oval did not help much. After a great performance against Moje Bermuda Stali Gorzów, this time the 38-year-old lowered his tone and left Smoczyka with only four points.

Although the favorite was known from the very beginning, Motor Lublin tried as hard as possible to put itself above the rivals. It was enough to score 37 points, which is not the best news in the context of a rematch.

Once again, the statement that Fogo Unia Leszno is like a hydra has come true. When one player has a weaker performance, another is able to catch up. On Saturday, Janusz Kołodziej scored less well, but Jaimon Lidsey scored the dragon entry.

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HERO. Jaimon Lidsey. The Australian gained valuable experience in the 2nd Speedway League and it paid off. He jumped into the squad behind Brady Kurtz and amazed everyone. He started with two threes, one of which he won after a great distance fight. In total, he accumulated nine “points”, which certainly convinced Piotr Baron. The one before the match announced that Kurtz and Lidsey would be taking turns. The 21-year-old made a great advertisement for himself.

CONTROVERSY. Judge Krzysztof Meyze did not have much work during this meeting. The only contentious situation occurred in run 13. Already after its completion, the referee analyzed the repetitions, which showed that Bartosz Smektała shuddered slightly before lifting the tape. The 22-year-old received a warning for this.

MATCH ACTION. There were many interesting races on the Dragon. In the fifth installment of the day Jaimon Lidsey showed off a great ride. The Australian on the second curve went around Mateja Zagar, and then chased after Grigory Łaguta. The Russian had to recognize the superiority of the 21-year-old, for whom it was the first performance of the season and certainly not the last. The hazel growers at the end of the meeting also showed good prosecution.

QUOTATION. – We will try to make such a team ourselves so that everyone can go. That if someone does not go, the other replaces him – said Grigory Łaguta after the match, referring to the situation of Fogo Unia Leszno. In Piotr Baron’s team, when one of the players has a weaker performance, another is able to make up for lost points.

NUMBER. 8 – Just so many points were scored on Saturday by the riders of Motor Lublin. Certainly, a better performance was expected from Jarosław Hampel, who has been racing in the Fogo Unia colors for the last few seasons. Meanwhile, the former runner-up in the world lacked both starts and speed on the route. The good news for “Koziołek” is that Jakub Jamróg still remains in the reserve, who may jump for one of the Poles in the next match.

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