Ski, coronavirus positive trainer: blues stuck in hotel

All 180 present, including athletes, technicians and workers, subjected to a buffer: for 2 days you do not ski. The case would concern a slalomist coach

Blue rally in turmoil at the Stelvio, where a staff member tested positive for coronavirus. It would be a slalomist technician. All blocked – 180 people including athletes such as Sofia Goggia, Federica Brignone and Marta Bassino, technicians, skimen and employees – in the Livrio hotel for two days and subjected to a buffer. After the results it will be understood if there will be the breaking of the lines for the return home or if those present will be placed in quarantine. The workers arrived from Sondalo to check the group and nobody can leave the hotel. Before returning to training at the Stelvio in June, no one had ever been tested: only those who claimed to have had symptoms. The test would have been appropriate before starting training, as they did for example in the Austrian national team. Fisi confirms, however, that the protocol has been respected and that the athletes have been tested.

In a note, Fisi specifies that “thanks to the rigid application of the health protocols drawn up for the management of the Stelvio ski meeting, it was possible to identify that a technician, just climbed the glacier, showed weak flu symptoms. He was then immediately taken to the Sondalo hospital where he tested positive for the serological test and, consequently, for the Sondrio ATS protocol, subjected to a swab. For the same protocol, the same ATS has subjected to a buffer all those who are in these days at the Livrio hotel “. The ATS of Bolzano has also been activated, being the Livrio in South Tyrol, which will carry out a new buffer. “The overall situation is constantly monitored by the Fisi Medical Commission – adds the note – in continuous contact with Ats, which will immediately isolate any positive cases. The technician is now well and the tests did not reveal any further symptoms of any kind. ” Meanwhile, the blue hotel does not enter and does not leave waiting to know the results of the tampons. No training and complications being the headquarters in Lombardy but the structure in the territory of South Tyrol. The rally was scheduled until Tuesday.



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