Referees, Rizzoli to Commisso: ‘Var on call? Not against, but …. ‘

The referee designator: “The idea would also suit us, but we cannot make personalized choices for Italy”

The referee designator Nicola Rizzoli returns to talk about Var after a day in which some interpretations have made discussions and after the proposal of the owner of Fiorentina Rocco Commisso to make the technology available on call by the clubs. “Var on call? You wouldn’t see us against it as an idea, it’s just a choice made by an entity that manages the rules and the protocol. Moreover, it is a problem that is found more in Italy than in other countries, not because the quality of the referees is lower, but it is a matter of approach to the matter. Personally I would not have anything to stand in the way of the idea of ​​the Var on call, but we must always think that we are within a world sport and therefore the rules must be the same everywhere. it is a topic under discussion at an international level. Maybe it would remove some discussions, I don’t know, but in Italy we cannot make personalized choices “.

“mischievous” caicedo

The recriminations of Commisso had come after Lazio-Fiorentina 2-1, with the rigor of the momentary 1-1 conquered by Caicedo who had left many doubts. “There was the attacker’s malice, but 99% of the referees would have given the penalty – Rizzoli swears to” Radio Anch’io Sport “on Rai Radio 1– Why don’t you go and watch the dubious episode? If we were to use technology to redeem doubts, it would have a big impact, for this we will only correct clear and obvious errors. The Var is not used to redeem doubts, otherwise it would ruin the show “.



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