Real Sociedad and Atlético SS want to go to the new Club Cup

Atlético San Sebastián and Real Sociedad, two of the three Gipuzkoan teams that play in the top category of state athletics, intend to participate in the Club Spanish Cup that will be played on the weekend of September 5 and 6 in Madrid. This new competition, which consists of a single day and which will replace this year the traditional league -three-, is voluntary as there are no declines or promotions and will take place in a format similar to that of the King’s and Queen’s Cup. covered track.

The two teams from the Gipuzkoan capital, the women’s team from Atlético and the men’s team from Real, believe that they will send the score to the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. They have until July 24. His intention is to be in this competition, in which the classification by clubs of this strange 2020 can be established.

The one who has no idea of ​​going is the women’s Super Amara BAT, third of the teams in the territory that plays in the Honor Division. With no declines, it will maintain the category for 2021.

The Spanish Cup will be one athlete per event – eighteen disciplines plus relays – and with eight teams in each category. A priori, both the women’s Atletico and the men’s Real would compete in the match in which the teams that fight for the title will be, although to know this with complete certainty it will be necessary to wait for all the clubs to present their scores.

“Our idea is to go to the Cup, although to confirm it we are waiting to see if there will be a calendar at the Basque level,” says José Martín Pérez, manager of Atlético. That there be local tests before is key so that the athletes of the Gipuzkoa teams arrive prepared and continue training with more objectives in mind. There is also an intention for the Atlético men’s team to present a team, although it probably would not be in the game for the title. The men’s BAT, in the same division, will not.

“We believe that we will be able to present a competitive team. Our idea is to be in the fight for the podium. We see the athletes of the team excited and wanting to make the best of September, when both the Spanish Club Cup and the absolute Spanish Championship will be played (days 12 and 13), “says Miguel Larrinaga, head of the section Atlético de la Real. “Many athletes say that with the little time there will be to train the brands will not be entirely good, but we think it will happen to all the teams.”

Diamond League

This year there will be no Paris and Eugene meetings, both within the Diamond League circuit. The appointment of the French capital was scheduled for September 6, while the date of the American rally was October 4.



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