Rayados: Antonio Mohamed demonstrates against the GNP Cup for Mexico

A few weeks after the GNP Cup for Mexico, various clubs like Cruz Azul, Toluca and Pumas have presented positive cases of Coronavirus on their rosters, so now the Cup doesn’t seem like a great idea.

This is how you see it Antonio “the Turk” Mohamed, technician of the Rayados del Monterrey, who in an interview with FOX Sports commented that they plan to wait as long as possible to face any rival and expose themselves to infections, since they will begin their friendly duels 15 days before the start of the MX League.

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“I do think playing next week is a bit risky, we are going to wait to compete against other rivals at least on July 10 or 14, ten days before the tournament starts”

Although they will not participate in this Cup and will not have as much time to test themselves against other teams, “El Turco” does not believe that this will affect the Rayados when the Opening begins, since he points out that he has a fairly complete squad that will meet expectations. .

“We believe that we are going to arrive in optimal conditions, we are going to arrive very well, it is going to be almost six weeks of work. We have a great squad and the team is preparing well ”

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