OUT Quagliarella, news on offense. The probable anti-Bologna formation

Fabio is still absent Quagliarella by the summoned Blucerchiati. The attacker is working out in Bogliasco, followed by the medical staff of the Sampdoria, a twin muscle problem. Mister Ranieri hopes to have it available for the trip to Lecce, valid for the 29th day of the championship, but in the meantime in attack alongside Gabbiadini could give space to Bonazzoli.

The probable formation against Bologna

For today’s match, the Doria coach should raise Ramirez from the first minute, also thanks to the disqualification of Yankee. Doubts about the defense areas where Depaoli and Augello could make Bereszynski and Murru breathe respectively. Between the posts Audero, at the center of the rear can meet again Colley.

The list of players called

Goalkeepers: Audero, Falcone, Seculin.

Defenders: Augello, Bereszynski, Chabot, Colley, Depaoli, Murru, Rocha, Tonelli, Yoshida.

Midfilders: Askildsen, Bertolacci, Ekdal, Léris, Linetty, Thorsby, Vieira.

Forwards: Bonazzoli, D’Amico, Gabbiadini, La Gumina, Maroni, Ramírez.

Quagliarella (Getty Images)



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