NFLPA Not Satisfied With Tom Brady, Russell Wilson Team Workouts: “Not In The Best Interest Of Player Safety”

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NFL training camp open on time

The NFL is planning the 2020 season, despite a recent surge in COVID-19 cases. Ezekiel Elliott, the star of the Dallas Cowboys, and several members of the Houston Texans recently tested positive for the corona virus, but that didn’t stop other players from training together in public. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback, Tom Brady, has participated in several workouts with teammates, as has the Seattle Seahawks quarterback, Russell Wilson. The NFL Players Association sent a notice hoping that players would stop holding workouts together to stop the possible spread of COVID-19.

Even after the advisory was mailed out last weekend, Brady and other major Bucs players such as Rob Gronkowski and Chris Godwin met at a local high school in Tampa to practice a lesson. While advising the NFLPA wasn’t necessarily a mandate, NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith recently told USA TODAY Sports that Brady and others could affect the NFL’s chances of ending an entire season in 2020.

“These practices are not in the best interests of player safety, they are not in the best interests of protecting our players on the way to the training camp, and I do not think they are in the best interests of us surviving an entire season. I certainly understand how competitive our players are, and I understand that, but at the same time we’re trying to negotiate – we need to negotiate with the league about what happens to a player if they test positive during the season if you do a positive test for that after training camp Carry out virus, is it a work related injury? Are you covered by employee compensation? What benefits are available if you have an injured reserve? Downstream injuries from completing COVID-19? All things players in the Want to do off-season directly affect how well we do protective measures for them at the start of the season can act. We sent the instructions because we believe that this was your best health and safety concern. Let’s just say that for some of the players who practiced, we made sure they heard the news. ”

Smith makes a big point about why the NFLPA is against these workouts. While they obviously want their players to stay healthy, much greater powers work. The NFL and NFLPA still seem to be trying to outline details of this unprecedented season. What exactly happens when a player tests positive during the season and when can he be active again? How much is the NFL to blame if a player has serious complications from the corona virus? Both sides are still trying to negotiate these hypotheses, and it would hinder their progress if more players tested positive on their way to the training camp.


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