Michel Bertrand is no longer president of the Fédération Francophone, he is replaced by Allison Hollevoet

Precisely five weeks ago, we told you of the great unease which is the source of many tensions within the Belgian Francophone Judo Federation. We were talking about the resignation of the technical director Bernard Tambour and his willingness to kick the anthill as quickly as possible. Drum has gathered around its project many clubs and it has not lagged!

On June 20, the Federation’s Annual General Meeting evicted, by mail (to avoid any concerns related to Covid-19) but under the supervision of a bailiff, three administrators: the vice-president Eric Digiugno, the Secretary General Jean Grétry and the treasurer Michel Theys, “relatives” of the president Michel Bertrand (in place since 2007). The first step was taken for Tambour and its various supporters.

Second step: the Board of Directors for this Friday, June 26, at 5 p.m. A partially renewed Council therefore, following the non-re-elections of the Digiugno-Grétry-Theys trio and following the arrival of two new members, Hervé Gourmand and Claude Amery, two “allies” of the former DT

The regulations and statutes (he is not part of the CA) not allowing him to become president himself, Bernard Tambour supported the candidacy ofAllison Hollevoet, a judokate from his club (note: Judo Top Niveau Tournai), who is also his companion in life. By a simple majority (four votes to three), the Board of Directors dismissed Michel Bertrand and elected the former Belgian champion under 78 kg (in 2017) to the presidency. A big surprise!

Mouscronnoise of origin, Allison Hollevoet is “only” 33 years old. She is a fourth dan black belt and educator in a home for the disabled in Orcq, near Tournai. A profession which has also led her in recent years to develop within the FFBJ the so-called “adapted” judo, for athletes suffering from a physical handicap or a mental retardation.

Often injured during her sports career, she has always returned to high level. She is therefore used to challenging herself. Whoever awaits it is very strong… Just one year before the Tokyo Olympic Games, French-speaking judo, led in particular by Charline Van Snick, Gabriella Willems, Jorre Vertraeten and Sami Chouchi, urgently needs serenity!


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