Mercedes is opting for completely black paint for 2020 to counteract racism and a commitment to diversity

They are known as the Silver Arrows, but for the 2020 season, Mercedes world champions will change the colors of Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas’ cars to black to defend themselves against racism and discrimination and improve their diversity.

The announcement is in the midst of worldwide protests in support of Black Lives Matter, a campaign that Hamilton – the first black superstar in F1 history – has vocally supported.

Hamilton has since announced the establishment of a new commission to improve diversity in motorsport, while Formula 1 has launched the #WeRaceAsOne initiative together with a new task force that is specifically concerned with identifying employment and education opportunities for underrepresented groups in Formula 1 deals.

READ MORE: Formula 1 launches the #WeRaceAsOne initiative


The original paint from Mercedes for 2020, as shown during testing in Barcelona

“Racism and discrimination have no place in our society, in our sport or in our team. This is a basic belief of Mercedes,” said team boss Toto Wolff. “But having the right convictions and the right attitude is not enough if we are silent.

“We want to use our voice and our global platform to advocate respect and equality. The Silver Arrow will run in black throughout the 2020 season to demonstrate our commitment to diversity in our team and in our sport.”

In the Mercedes organization, only three percent of the workforce identify themselves as belonging to ethnic minorities, and only 12 percent of the employees are women. The team says it is this lack of diversity that shows that they need to find new approaches to attract talent from all walks of life that they are currently not reaching, and they have committed to a program for before the season ends Announce diversity and inclusion

Racism and discrimination have no place in our society, our sport or our team: this is a basic belief of Mercedes

Toto Wolff

“We will not shy away from our weaknesses in this area or the progress that we still have to make. Our paintwork is our public promise to take positive action, ”continued Wolff. “We intend to find and attract the best talent from as broad a range of backgrounds as possible, and to find creative, credible ways to achieve our sport, to build a stronger and more diverse team in the future.”

READ MORE: Mercedes fire warning to rivals that confirm “one piece” upgrades for Austria

Hamilton and Bottas will not only change the colors of their car, but will also wear black overalls in 2020, with both drivers customizing their helmet designs. The call for “end racism” will not only play a prominent role on the track in Austria, but will also be on the halo of Mercedes vehicles, while the united F1 initiative #WeRaceAsOne will be seen on the mirrors of the W11.

“We want to build a legacy that goes beyond sport,” said Hamilton. “If we can be leaders and build more diversity in our own business, it will send such a strong message and give others the confidence to start one.” Dialogue about how they can implement changes. “


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