Kenti Robles ends his stage at Atlético de Madrid

Madrid Spain /

The city of Robles rejected the offer to renew the Atlético de Madrid and will not continue next season in the mattress set, as announced this Tuesday by the current runner-up of the First division Spanish. The future of the Mexican points to Real Madrid, news that could become official these days.

Through a statement, the Atlético de Madrid He confirmed that five of his players will leave the team at the end of their contracts on June 30. Among them is the lateral The city is Robles.

The Mexican entered the mattress discipline in 2015, coming from the Spanish, and contributed decisively to the best sports stage of the Atlético de Madrid. As rojiblanca won the Queen’s Cup 2016 and the league titles of 2017, 2018 and 2019.

In addition to The city of Robles, Atlético de Madrid will leave the Spanish goalkeeper Lola Gallardo and the Dutch goalkeeper Sari van Veenendaal, who also concluded the contract and rejected the renewal proposal.

“The contracts of Olga García and Caro Arias also expired and they will not continue defending the red and white elastic next season,” the club explained.

“All of them will face new football goals next season away from home. For this reason, from Atlético de Madrid Femenino we want to thank them for their dedication and effort during their stay in our team and wish them good luck in their sporting career,” concludes the statement from the Atlético de Madrid.



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