he is no longer the president of the Italian Football Association

After facing one of the most difficult moments in the history of Italian football, infected and blocked by the Coronavirus, Damiano Tommasi has delivered his resignation and from today he is no longer the president of the Italian Footballers Association. The former Roma midfielder, who has fought in recent years to defend the rights of footballers, and who has also personally followed the delicate story of the cutting engagements during the Covid-19 emergency, anticipated by a few weeks the end of his adventure that expired in November: month that would have sanctioned his departure anyway, due to the AIC statute which forbids the president to reapply after three terms.

Pending new elections and the choice of the new president (Marco Tardelli is also among the candidates), the board of the Italian Football Association thanked Tommasi for the work done and assigned to the vice-president vicar Umberto Calcagno the task of ferrying the AIC towards the new elective assembly which, according to rumors, could go on stage on March 8, 2021.

The open letter of Damiano Tommasi

Hi everyone, with these lines I ideally want to embrace and thank you. Today, with the resignation from the position of councilor and President of the AIC, a path that began with the entry into the Board of Directors back in 1999 ends for me – wrote Tommasi – It was not at all easy in 2011 to take the baton from Sergio Campana, after 43 years of history, with the risk of ruining the work done up to that day. There were many complicated moments and we came out with union and teamwork. Among the most complicated football bets in 2011, the Serie A strike at the beginning of the 2011/2012 season, the tragedy on the pitch of Piermario Morosini in April 2012, the reform of the Pro League with the proclamation of the strike, the repeated federal elections , the women’s Serie A strike last revoked in 2015, the lack of world qualification for the boys in 2018, my federal candidacy and the quarantine months that are still putting us under pressure“.

“Having a” limit “is an essential condition for motivating and pushing to do. So it was for me and I’m happy to have accelerated on many initiatives. This last term of mine should have ended with the elections of 27 April. Unfortunately even those ended up in quarantine and we had to postpone them. As already said, however, our Association needs union and a unique voice. In the last period it has not always been this way and for this reason it is good that there are no differences inside the control cabin in view of the next appointments. In the balance of a path, the positive things are exaggeratedly more than the missteps and I feel satisfied and indebted to all those who have allowed us to reach certain goals – concluded Tommasi – They would be pages to fill that I have no way and time to do here, there will be an opportunity to do it. For now, therefore, thank you thank you thank you … for your attention, support, criticism and advice. Good end of the season and good luck!“.


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