FC Schalke 04 takes stock of the Bundesliga and Clemens Tönnies

AThe historically catastrophic second half of FC Schalke 04 with problems at all levels in the club should be followed by a large settlement this Monday. After the repeated sporting bankruptcy declaration at 0: 4 in Freiburg and the fan rage against Boss Clemens Tönnies, the consequences of the season analysis should be announced at the start of the week and questions about the future should be answered. However, the press conference was postponed to Wednesday for two days.

There is obviously a lot to talk about in advance. The reason for the change in the schedule, the Schalke said on Sunday “a short-term appointment collision” with sports director Jochen Schneider. Coach David Wagner already issued his team with a certificate of poverty at the weekend. After the terrifying end of the season, the coach conceded that his eleven were “no longer competitive” in the second half, he had to say honestly.

However, the club will probably not find peace again with sporting lessons from the Schreckens series with 16 games without a win in the Bundesliga. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board Tönnies is no longer sustainable for many fans. Her anger against Tönnies, who was recently defended by Uli Hoeneß, Honorary President of Bavaria, and the club’s board made about 1000 fans on Saturday at the same time as the completely weak appearance in Breisgau during a demonstration on the club premises. “Disempowering the eighth guiding principle!” Was a motto on a banner. “The biggest bulldozer doesn’t help anymore! Tönnies out! ”Was the clear demand elsewhere.

In compliance with hygiene rules, the protesters, including former Uefa Cup winner Yves Eigenrauch, formed a human chain. “As a Schalke player you have been ashamed of yourself lately. That no longer has anything to do with the buddy and painter club, ”said co-organizer Katharina Strohmeyer. “We expect the management of the association to live our mission statement. If not, we need a fresh start. “

With the mass Corona cases, the meat entrepreneur Tönnies ensures an additional stressful affair. The board members Alexander Jobst and Schneider are also criticized due to the unfortunate acting in the Corona crisis. Sport director Schneider had recently strengthened his back on coach Wagner, and both of them now only want to present their future direction on Wednesday. Wagner will probably continue in the style of a relegation and the next low in Freiburg despite the second half of the season.

“There will be no resignation,” said the 48-year-old. “I am Schalke – Schalke fight, Schalke know that there are hard times.” For him, resigning is beyond imagination. “I think the team’s trust is undisputed. There is no question that it is a mortgage. A very, very big one, that’s not a question at all. “

Even in a game that was meaningless to the Freiburg team, his team ended up with no chance. A weak defensive behavior and the uncertainty were evident in the goals conceded by Luca Waldschmidt (20/57 minutes), Jonathan Schmid (38.) and Lucas Höler (46.). “It is incomprehensible that we let ourselves be shot down like this. It is a disaster! ”Captain Daniel Caligiuri scolded. “We are now partially glad that the shitty second half is over.”

Only on the first day of the second half of the season, on January 17th, did the Royal Blues win this year. Nine goals, ten losses and six draws underline the cruel record, only because of the strong first half of the season there were no relegation concerns. In the nine games after the restart of the league, Schalke scored only two points – the weakest result of all teams. “Next year the team has to be set up correctly,” Caligiuri said.

Wagner did not confirm on Saturday that Freiburg’s Alexander Schwolow would be the successor to goalkeeper Alexander Nübel, who had moved to Bayern Munich, as reported by “Bild”. The coach also refused to respond to the separation from the athletics and fitness coaches Bob Schoos and Klaus Luisser, which was allegedly due to the media reports, as a result of the misery with up to ten failures. Both of these should only be a beginning of the consequences. Wagner referred to answers on Wednesday.



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