Colombian Football Federation: box office resale scandal could be a problem for Ramón Jesurún and benefit Jorge Enrique Vélez | Colombia news today | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League

Jorge Enrique Vélez passed the assembly of the Dimayor ‘clean’ this weekend. Despite the sound requests for him to leave, the rumors of a revolt to demand his resignation as president of the entity that organizes Colombian professional football, the former politician remains in his position, thanks to the support of several club presidents.

Despite the fact that the money from international television rights does not appear, from the problems to implement the biosafety protocols that have borne the return of the League, they support Vélez. According to journalist Iván Mejía, there is something behind to keep the leader in his position.

And this Sunday, in the program “La titular UNO”, that version was strengthened by the journalist Alejandro Pino, who assured that a strong scandal may come in the Colombian Football Federation, which would affect Ramón Jesurún and leave Jorge Enrique Vélez in head of the maximum organism of the national football.

Pino wondered about Jesurún and his lack of governance. Then he said that the trouble for the resale of box office in the World Cup qualifiers to Russia 2018 could explode in the coming days. According to the journalist, if the Superintendency of Companies points to the Federation, Jesurún Franco could leave the presidency.

This is indicated in the statutes. Only in the event that the SIC investigation includes Jesurún, the great beneficiary would be Jorge Enrique Vélez, who would become president of the FCF, as the first vice president on the Executive Committee.

The protection of Vélez would have a specific objective: that he reach the presidency of the Federation and thus avoid assuming someone with the support of Álvaro González Alzate, president of Dif Fútbol and who has always been said to wield much power within the FCF.



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