Club Discourse Must Reduce Youth Players, Coach Persib Worried About This


Persib Bandung coach Robert Rene Alberts thinks the discourse of playing U-20 players in every Shopee League 1 2020 match can be a double-edged sword.

Roberts has good reasons. The Dutchman believes that not all junior players are ready to appear in senior competitions, and if forced will hamper the development of these players.

“A few years ago there was a regulation requiring each team to drop U-23 players. And everyone knew that the rules did not work well because we could not force players who were not ready to perform. If the player was ready enough, he would automatically play , “Robert said when contacted by reporters on Friday (6/6/2020) afternoon.

Robert also gave an example, like Beckham Putra who entered the U-20 player category. He can be played by the senior team, because it is able to show quality and mental maturity. However, Robert will not lower the younger brother of Gian Zola for 90 minutes in the Shopee League 1 event.

“But he may not be ready to play 90 minutes in every game in the league because of seeing his needs. But the development of Beckham’s talent is a priority because of its quality,” said the Dutchman.

Previously the discourse was associated with the preparation for the 2021 U-20 World Cup which will begin mid-next year. Beckham and Persib U-16 goalkeeper Erlangga Setyo entered the Garuda Select radar.

“But when it comes to Erlangga, this is a different case because he is not yet in the senior team. So if we put him (in the senior team) and force him to play in the Indonesian League, we cannot develop his game. Why? Because he is physically and mentally not ready to face Indonesia’s highest level of competition, “he said.

“So I am in a position to support the national team to prepare for the national team to face the U-20 World Cup. I also want to help the national team through my experience when working in South Korea during the 2002 World Cup. When the league stopped to make preparations with the national team for the World Cup “That means players are in high concentration to face the World Cup with the national team, not with the club,” he continued.

One of the most important things about player development, Robert says, is that players must develop at the junior level to understand the game, to understand every aspect of the game.

“It is not his orientation to win because it will come naturally. If he is forced to play in a league whose needs only continue to win, the process of developing young players becomes useless,” he said.

Watch Video “PSSI Call 6 U-20 World Cup Stadiums, Anywhere?
[Gambas:Video 20detik]



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