Cesarean section or natural birth?: “The caesarean section rate will decrease” – Berlin

Women, for whom a birth is imminent, will in the future be better educated about the advantages and disadvantages of a birth by caesarean section. The Michael Abou-Dakn, chief of Obstetrics at Berlin’s St. Joseph hospital is expected from the recently published first medical guideline for delivery by “Cesarean section”, as this surgery is medically called. Abou-Dakn is co-author of the guideline, which gives birth to physicians recommendations on how and when such delivery should be made, and what risks are important to note. Because apparently Doctors are highly suggested to pregnant women to often a planned Cesarean section, although there are no medical reasons. “We register the world for years, an alarming increase in caesarean sections,” says Abou-Dakn. In Germany has seen a levelling of the Rate of planned and emergency caesarean sections to all births in the 30 per cent. “The primary Cesarean section, not because of the medical complications of an emergency cesarean section was on the way to be considered normal. Normal birth through the Vagina is.“

Also in the breech position, a vaginal birth is possible

Abou-Dakn, the example is called the breech: If the Baby lounger, instead of with the head with the pelvis prior to the birth canal, the cut is not a reason for an Emperor. Even then a vaginal birth is possible without any problems. Nevertheless, Doctors would advise in these cases, often a Cesarean section. A twin pregnancy is no longer a reason to abandon a vaginal birth. Often, psychological reasons were behind the decision to release instead of in the delivery room in the OP. Some of the women tended to be afraid of pain against the vaginal birth. “This fear you have to take this problem seriously. And the Pregnant advice that fear is often unnecessary and the natural birth has benefits for the health of the mother and especially the child.“

Abou-Dakn, whose birth is one clinic the largest in Germany, is a staunch supporter of natural birth. Also, the studies that you’ve worn for the guideline, showed that this was an advantage. As Asthma, obesity and type 1 Diabetes in children who were delivered via caesarean section were more likely than naturally born children.

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Treatment of freedom is not restricted

By guideline, the treatment of freedom of the Doctors was not restricted. You would now need to justify why you are of recommendations departed. This is for example important if it goes to court the allegation of medical treatment error. In the longer term, Abou-Dakn expected that the guideline will reduce the Rate of caesarean section in Germany.

The birth of medicine of the Charité hospital care at its two locations, the majority of births in the country. The chief doctor Wolfgang Henrich sees the in his view, a strong orientation against a Cesarean section in some points critical. If the chances of an uncomplicated vaginal birth are large, then there is of course no reason for a caesarean section. But you should also talk about the risks of a vaginal birth. This includes such drama included tables situations, such as a threat of oxygen deficiency of the child under the birth, worsening cardiac activity of the child, a severe tear of the perineum, a high blood loss of the mother, pelvic floor damage and incontinence, and much more. “These risks are cut with a C-part should be avoided,” says Henrich. However, it is to be welcomed that the guideline contains many recommendations for the informed consent discussion.

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A right to individual advice

Every Pregnant woman has the right to individually tailored advice, taking into account the risks and the mental stresses, such as Fears of pain and physical damage caused by the vaginal birth.

“Natural birth” blade nice. Yet so simple, that a vaginal birth is usually no better than a caesarean section, whether it is just. “A doctor who recommends the caesarean Section due to valid reasons and findings, it is certainly not a bad doctor.” Ingo Bach


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