‘Céfiro’ excels in the return of the fans to the stands of La Zarzuela

The La Zarzuela racecourse held races with the public yesterday. More than 2,000 people witnessed the victory of ‘Céfiro’, a veteran that years do not spend. The same could be said of his jockey, José Luís Martínez, who in two weeks has been awarded the Cimera and the Hippodrome Association award. The trainer Juan Luís Maroto reappeared in the races in a big way, taking the grand prize of the day and a good conditional. They were the proper names of a meeting in which, above the professionals, the protagonists were the fans.

It mattered little to people to have to adhere to strict security measures, if that meant returning to the racecourse. The day was developed with normality and making leisure compatible with sanitary measures; An example of what racetrack performance should be from now on. The Jockey Club and the Donostia racecourse have drawn up a protocol that, if given the go-ahead by the Basque Government, will also allow the Basque fans to go to the races starting this Friday, July 3.

In the Madrid green, the role was claimed by ‘Céfiro’, who at eight kept at bay one of the most ambitious bets for this year, ‘Cosmic Horizon’. The meeting started with surprise, although much has been expected of ‘Ishraq’. This time, running longer, his performance was promising. ‘Turandot’ blew away the win for ‘Dajla’ at the goal post, just like ‘Remember’ for ‘Kohoof’. Neater was the victory of ‘Power and Peace’, which gave Juan Luís Maroto a double of self-esteem.



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