Belgians abroad: Witsel and Hazard sink against Hoffenheim, Leander Dendoncker wins Wolverhampton

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Leander Dendoncker delivers victory at Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton, with Leander Dendoncker in their ranks at the start, won 0-1 on the lawn of Aston Villa on Saturday in the opening match of match day 32 of the Premier League. The Red Devil scored the goal in the 62nd minute with a dry and crossed left foot strike at ground level from the entrance to the rectangle.

The former Anderlechtoisa had the opportunity to double the visitors’ lead but his recovery from the head on a corner stroke came close to the frame (68th). Jimenez (19th) had offered the Wanderers the first real opportunity as well.

The Wolves grab provisional 5th place with 52 points, three more than Manchester United, 6th. Chelsea is 4th (54 points).

Aston Villa, deprived of Bjorn Engels (Achilles tendon), struggles to avoid tumbling in the Championship (D2). The Birmingham club remains in the relegation zone in 19th place (27 points), tied on points with West Ham, 17th and Bournemouth 18th. Watford, 16th, has 28 points. These three teams have one less game than Aston Villa.


Dortmund ends the season with a bitter taste

Borussia Dortmund gave a bitter aftertaste to their big season on Saturday in the Bundesliga slot match. Borussia Dortmund, who had already obtained second place and the corresponding ticket for the Champions League before the start, lost on their own ground 0-4 against Hoffenheim.

Croatian Andrej Kramaric scored the four goals. Red Devils Axel Witsel and Thorgan Hazard kicked off the home game. Hazard was substituted in the break, but Witsel played the whole game.

Kramaric has scored eight Bundesliga goals so far this season and added half in a single game on Saturday afternoon. Dortmund could not do anything in return, despite the large amount of possession.

Before the match, the icon of the club’s local team, Mario Götze, was honored. The 2014 world champion sees his contract expire and has several options in Italy.

Hoffenheim finishes the Bundesliga in sixth place and can therefore move directly to the group stage of the European League.


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