Babylon MMA 14. Rose Gumienna – Aldina Seferovic. An amazing fight! The Polish woman won in the second round

Róża Gumienna (2-0) made a successful performance in her second professional fight in mixed martial arts. An experienced kickboxer in the second round defeated Aldina Seferovic (0-1).

Jakub Madej

Gumienna Rose

Press materials / Babylon MMA / In the picture: Róża Gumienna

The duel began calmly, but Aldina Seferovic attacked Róża Gumienna with a strong blow and then decided to go down to the ground floor. In this plane, the viewers saw a fight full of twists and turns, during which both the player and the other player were from above. The debutant was close to winning by surrender, but none of the attempts came to fruition.

In the second round there was a lot of chaos again. Gumienna after exciting exchanges and a wrestling fight eventually found herself in a dosiada, from where she began to inflict strong blows. This was quickly decided to be interrupted by a referee who saw inactivity from a foreign player.

For Róża Gumienna it was the second victory in her career. In the first fight, the Polish woman defeated Raimonda Grundulaite. The clash took place in October 2019.

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