Arjen Robben explains his return to football: “I do it for the love of Groningen”

A global surprise was the announcement that Arjen Robben, a footballer who had retired a year ago, was going to return to the fields, as he signed a contract for a season in Groningen, the team where he began his sports career.

In this sense, the 36-year-old player gave his first impressions of the decision to return to the fields, ruling out that he would be the youth team coach or part of the management team.

I do it for the love of Groningen. If I can do something for the club, I think the area where I can be of greater value is on the grass, “he said at the press conference.

Robben will play for one more season.

“Initially we are talking about a comeback attempt, but I feel pretty good and I think we are on the right track. I still have to take a few more steps, but I have a very good feeling about the future“He added.

But that is not all, because he said that if another club had offered him to return to the fields he would not have accepted: “If another team came up with a good offer, I think they wouldn’t have accepted it“he mentioned.

When asked about the differences that exist between the clubs he defended and now his new sports house, he said that “of course, the level difference with Bayern Munich is great, but I do it for the team and I hope I can have fun”.

Finally, he referred to his retirement in July 2019, when he defended the colors of Bayern Munich and expressed that “it was due to some physical problems and it was a more or less forced decision (…) the pain and discomfort have disappeared. I barely saw football the first few months after leaving it at Bayern and it came in handy, but football still seems like a fun sport to me and the desire to play returned, ”he said.

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