Alicja Tchórz and Kacper Stokowski are the best in checking swimmers’ staff

The national representatives training in Łódź have their first internal test after a break caused by coronavirus. Alicja Tchórz and Kacper Stokowski turned out to be the best. “You can see that they really missed such a prosecution” – team manager Robert Brus told PAP.

Leading seniors and juniors in the country from the beginning of June at the training camp in Lodz return to form after a long period without training in the water due to the closure of the pools. On Saturday, they competed in the Bay of Sport in the first internal test organized by trainers.

“57 competitors from the senior and junior national teams participated in the competition. It was a very useful test for the swimmers and the training staff. The competition was at least at a good level. The best result in the multi-fight classification was obtained by Coward and Stokowski” – summed up Brus.

He indicated that the most valuable result was achieved by Coward (Juvenia Wrocław) on 100 m ridge – 1.00.72, which turned out to be 0.2 s worse than its Polish record. He also added that Stokowski (UKS G-8 Bielany Warszawa) triumphed at 50 m with a butterfly – 24.29 and 100 m with a ridge – 55.08.

“A very interesting race was 100 m high butterfly race, in which Jakub Majerski won 52.11. Good result was obtained by Jakub Kraska, who went below 50 s at 100 m free, and Jan Hołub triumphed in this competition – 49, 75. Juniors have set several life records, and seniors the best results in the last dozen or so months. We can see that our swimmers are slowly recovering and they lacked such racing, “admitted Brus.


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