Agüero: “I don’t have a defined recovery time”

The ‘Kun’ Agüero underwent surgery this week for the knee injury suffered against Burnley in order to try to reach the crucial match against Real Madrid of the second round of the Champions League. The Argentine forward of Manchester City He did a live on Twitch and explained to all his followers how the intervention was and if he sees himself with the possibility of being at the crossroads with the set of Zidane.

Injury and operation

It was all very fast. I got injured on Monday and on Tuesday I had a resonance at the club (Manchester City) where it came out that there was something broken in the knee. On Wednesday I flew to Barcelona and the doctor answered me: ‘Come on, come here, I will look at you.’ I lay down on the stretcher, moved my knee a little, and left. At the time a nurse returned: ‘Are you ready? Let’s go to the operating room. ‘ I had a shit … “.

I tried to anticipate a ball but I felt a pain in my knee and I fell to the ground. When I see the stadium screen it said ‘possible criminal review’. He did not understand what had happened. ‘Did they kick me? But if I fell alone, ‘he said. There I go out, the doctor checks me and tried to go back in to kick the prison. Zero chances, forget it. I felt a noise in my knee. It was not a hit but a kind of ‘click’, like the ‘click’ of the keyboard. A noise very similar to that. “

“A nurse came and said to me: ‘I’m going to ask you some questions, you know?’ I had my eyes looking everywhere, I was re-anesthetized. I saw the whole operation on the computer but I don’t remember anything. But I’m happy because it could have been more serious“.

Does it come against Madrid?

I cannot say now what will happen, but we started well: the operation has already passed … Now I will stay a few more days of rehabilitation in Barcelona. Little by little I will be gaining strength and walking and then return to Manchester. And for the return to the fields I have to see these ten days how the leg is going: it can be a month, a month and a half or two months. There is no definite time“.

Leo Messi

I spoke to Messi, all the time I speak. The father sent me a message. But what do you want people to do? I can’t even walk, I won’t see it. Out there later“.

Look change

“I tell you this: tomorrow I get a new look. I already decided that tomorrow I paint the lope (hair) white. Platinum, well platinum. Rosa say there in the comments? Na, you’re crazy … “.


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