After knife attack in Glasgow: police identify perpetrators – man is said to have announced the crime – Panorama Society

After the knife attack in a hotel in Glasgow, Scotland, the police identified the perpetrator. The police said it was a 28-year-old man from Sudan. The man injured six people in the Friday attack and was shot by police officers. The authorities did not expect a terrorist attack.

The perpetrator, who himself lived in the hotel used as accommodation for asylum seekers, apparently had psychological problems. The British news channel Sky News reported on Sunday, citing a friend of the Sudanese. The acquaintance said that he suffered from the conditions of the accommodation. The family of the killed attacker was “shocked” by the events and wished the injured a quick recovery.

The police in Scotland announced that they would further investigate the exact circumstances of the incident. As is common in the UK, police use of firearms is also to be independently verified. Speculations are not appropriate until the investigation is completed, the statement said.

Before the knife attack, there are said to have been warnings of the perpetrator. This was reported, among others, by the British news channel Sky News and the “Guardian” on Saturday, citing unnamed sources. According to information from other residents of the hotel, a social worker turned to the employees there on Thursday. The BBC also reported that the perpetrator had announced the attack.

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The incident happened at the Park Inn Hotel in the city center. Among the injured were three other residents of the hotel, two employees and a police officer. All are still being treated in the hospital, but in a stable condition, the police said on Saturday.

Another incident on Sunday in Glasgow, the police said was unrelated to the attack. Media had reported again about a knife attack. But it was a targeted attack, said the Scottish police via Twitter. There was no danger to the public.(dpa)


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