“200 million pounds lost, club never learns!” – Arsenal fans can’t believe Folarin Balogun’s decision

Arsenal fans have responded to news that the child prodigy Folarin Balogun has not agreed any terms for a new contract.

The 18-year-old has been in the Emirates Stadium for the last 12 months of his contract and will be sold when the summer transfer window opens as his club tries not to lose him for nothing next year, explains The Athletic’s David Ornstein.

Balogun is one of the more promising youngsters currently on the books in a North London outfit.

His goal balance is certainly something special.

Last season he scored a goal every 62 minutes in the club’s U18 title-winning season, and promotion to the U23 didn’t slow him down that season.

Balogun scored 10 goals and weighed 4 assists in 15 Premier League games 2.

However, it seems that Balogun sees his future elsewhere, with people like Eddie Nketiah, Gabriel Martinelli, and the potential young Tyreece John-Jules, who lies ahead of him in the pecking order.

As expected, this report has caused a great response from Arsenal fans on social media.

Many fear that Balogun may be the latest for the Gunners who got away after seeing how Jeff Reine-Adelaide and Donyell Malen have excelled elsewhere since leaving the club.

Check out what was said on Twitter …






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Balogun previously admitted that he modeled his game Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

“I’m a striker who likes to play on the shoulder of the last defender and run after him, much like Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang,” Balogun said in an interview with Arsenal.com last season.

“I’ve trained with the first team a couple of times and I feel like I’ve benefited from working with them, especially when I play against experienced defenders, which forces you to find different ways to get in goal how it works at lower levels. ” doesn’t always work against them. “



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