Basketball over 50 years ago

Jorge Nagore recently evoked in the DIARIO DE NOTICIAS de Navarra the basketball matches of Real Madrid against Maccabi of Tel Aviv on TV. Without being a fan, the memory of a game that I saw in black and white, as a teenager, is still alive. Real Madrid played in the Fiesta Alegre fronton, also called Jai Alai. The track was mounted between the walls of the pediment. The chroniclers say that “on match days it became a volcano. With the concrete track, the heat and the environmental pressure, the rivals used to have a very bad time.” Effectively; Real Madrid was losing; in the Maccabi there were two black players. The audience began to chant: “Ku-Klux-Klan! Ku-Klux-Klan!” They also threw small change against visiting players.When the racist slogan thundered the fronton and the toss of coins intensified, which sometimes made a target, one of the black players jumped from the court to the bleachers that was several meters above. In a second those madmen fled in terror and the player returned to the field without attacking anyone. The commentator of TVE He repeatedly condemned the player’s unsportsmanlike attack € and the following day the press unanimously attacked his non-existent violence.Has the public and the press changed a lot in more than 50 years? With the dog dead, the rage did not end. With Franco dead, Spain is the only European country in which fascism has never been defeated. Nothing should surprise the current action of the parties of the extreme right and the extreme right.



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