Concern for the health status of Turk Arduh

11 days ago the news emerged: Osvaldo Arduh had a swab and had tested positive for Covid-19. Unfortunately, in recent months, this type of news no longer alarms as at the beginning. In fact, among the 20 teams in the National League there have been 19 cases, none of them serious.

The days passed, Athens returned to training, but not Arduh. And today, Monday the 26th, the rumor began to spread that his health had worsened and that he was in intensive care. Básquet Plus checked the info and indeed, Arduh is in intensive care at the Sucre Clinic, belonging to the Lábaque family. From the club, as the news spread quickly, they decided to release a short statement with this text:

“We report that in the last hours our coach had a pulmonary complication, which led to his admission to intensive care to be assisted by a ventilator and receive the necessary medication. We await his progress and we will keep everyone informed. From here, our thanks for the numerous and constant shows of support for the Turk. #FuerzaTurco “.

From Básquet Plus and from all the Argentine basketball medium, we simply join with that enormous desire for encouragement: #FuerzaTurco!

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Osvaldo Arduh’s health status

We report that in the last hours our coach had a pulmonary complication, which led to his admission to intensive care to be assisted by a ventilator and receive the necessary medication.

– Athens (@Atenas_oficial) October 27, 2020



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