The Evolution of Life With Dignity: From LWS Cambodia to LWF Cambodia Program to LWD

Life With Dignity, also known as LWD, or Angkar ‘L’ as named by rural communities, is a local NGO serving vulnerable communities in Cambodia through development work prioritizing human dignity. LWD understands that poor communities face major challenges in their lives and are owners to their solution.

The work of LWD originated in 1979, through the Lutheran World Service (LWS) Cambodia (1979 -1992), a field program of Lutheran World Federation, which focused on emergency relief, demining and resettlement. In 1993, the program was renamed as Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Cambodia Program (1993 – 2010), and shifted focus to supporting rural development.

Following the Notification #1641 (ស.ជ.ណ) of November 10, 2010, issued by the Ministry of Interior, the LWF Cambodia Program, in January 2011, was officially localized, and Life With Dignity was born, led by Cambodians taking on all management and leadership roles within the organization.

2024-04-29 08:09:23
#LIFE #DIGNITY #Cambodia


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