
Fem van Empel Wins Baal X2O Trophy in Epic Battle with Lucinda Brand

01/01/2024 14:33 | by Huub Mol

Fem van Empel has started 2024 well. The 21-year-old world champion won the Baal X2O trophy on Monday afternoon by crossing the line solo. She defeated her co-favorite Lucinda Brand after a nice battle in the mud and therefore starts the cross year with a nice victory.

After just a few hundred meters, Van Empel and Brand successfully dived into the mud, ahead of the rest. It immediately seemed to be heading towards a conflict. The difference with the rest of the field was immediately about ten seconds and this only continued to increase. What was also striking was that Brand tackled the slippery parts a little better than the world champion, who had to leave the pedals several times.

Feet in the mud in Baal’s blubber festival, duo Brand-Van Empel unapproachable at the front

It soon became clear how difficult the conditions were in Baal. The mud was deep and there were puddles everywhere. Ladies fell into the mud and plowed their way through the deep sludge. At the front, Brand and Van Empel kept a close eye on each other and Brand seemed stronger in many parts and she put a lot of pressure on the world champion, especially in the mud. Behind the duo, the battle for third place was open.

After about eleven minutes the first round was over. Brand and Van Empel’s lead had already increased to one minute and fifteen seconds over the rest of the field. At the beginning of the second lap, Brand accelerated. Van Empel had to leave about fifteen meters, but always kept her opponent in view. The fact that Brand was stronger on the technical sections ensured that the lead increased second by second.

Van Empel shows character, remains calm and benefits from Brand’s fatigue

Ten meters, twenty meters, five meters again and back in the wheel. Van Empel did not show himself and still returned to Brand’s slipstream. She even seemed to have more content as the race progressed, but Brand was stronger than Van Empel on the technical mud sections. The world champion even fell slightly, but was able to easily continue her way again. Clara Honsinger, Sanne Cant and Ava Holmgren battled for third place at the back. In round three, some ladies were already overtaken by the leading duo.

The last lap had to decide who would last the longest, because neither of the super duo at the front had still been able to create a definitive gap. Brand seemed to be feeling tired, as she also fell briefly. But the Dordrecht player also showed character and immediately put pressure on Van Empel after returning. That attempt was unsuccessful and the world champion took advantage of it. The fire was gone and Van Empel had now flown.

No matter how strong Brand’s resistance had been, the spring suddenly broke quickly. The world champion simply had more content until the end and rode further away from her opponent on the last lap. She crossed the line solo in Baal after a nice battle. Fire ended in second place in just under twenty seconds. Holmgren came third at just over three minutes.

Result X2O trophy Baal 2024, women

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