“DFB must do everything for Beckenbauer”: That demands world champion Thon

World champion Olaf Thon has renewed the demand that the DFB must do more for Franz Beckenbauer. “He outshines everyone as a figure of light,” says Thon.

Olaf Thon has joined Karl-Heinz Rummenigge’s demand on t-online that the DFB should be given more credit for Franz Beckenbauer’s services to German football.

“Franz Beckenbauer outshines everyone as a figure of light,” said Thon to t-online. “What I also heard from President Bernd Neuendorf: Franz Beckenbauer is also the most respected person at the DFB. Everything in the power of the DFB to honor him and his life’s work must and will be done.”

Thon is certain: “It will happen. There are no two opinions: The Kaiser is the greatest. Nowhere, not at the DFB and certainly not at the top with Hans-Joachim Watzke or Bernd Neuendorf.”

Huub Stevens, Franz Beckenbauer and Olaf Thon (from left): The 1990 world champion was retired in 2003 by a number of long-time companions.
Huub Stevens, Franz Beckenbauer and Olaf Thon (from left): The 1990 world champion was retired in 2003 by a number of long-time companions.

World champion meeting with Beckenbauer in July

The world champion comrades from 1990, who led Beckenbauer as team boss to the world title in Italy, will do so again soon. “His health is not that good,” revealed Thon, “but I have the pleasure of seeing him in July when we meet again with the 90s team after 33 years.”

Most recently, the world champions came together in Tuscany for the 30th anniversary of winning the title in 2020. At the closing gala of the meeting, Beckenbauer was celebrated with standing ovations, and the “Kaiser” then began his song “Nobody can separate good friends”.

As t-online knows, this time the next meeting will take place in a hotel in Bavaria. The world champions had already agreed to shorten the cycle of meetings from ten to five years, so the next meeting is actually planned for summer 2025. “Franz said: ‘We have to shorten it a bit, not only meet every five years. We also have to use a Schnaps number to meet us'”, says Thon: “That’s just how he is, Franz. “

2023-05-27 15:40:00
#DFB #Beckenbauer #demands #world #champion #Thon


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