Raillo and the joker of racism – The penultimate Raulista alive

racism dear Antonio Jose Raillodefense of Mallorca, is not a wild card but a scourge that should be removed as soon as possible from our society. It is absolutely reprehensible that someone invents a racist or homophobic insult as he did for example Mouctar Diakhabythat he took out of the sleeve that Juan Cala had called him a “shit nigger”, but it has been shown and collected by the television cameras that vinicius they have called him black, macaque and fagotamong other degrading insults, and the other day a doll with his shirt and his name appeared hanging from a bridge. Hanging from a bridge, Raillo. hanged. With his bib, Raillo, the number 20. So airing the problem of racism that evidently exists in Spanish football in such a simple way and, if you allow me, and still not allowing it, so deeply ignorant seems to me sincerely not acceptable.

On Sunday at two in the afternoon the Real Madrid visit your team’s fieldMallorca, and you could have perfectly ventilated the question from the DAZN journalists with a long change but you have not done so, you have preferred to put the focus back on Vinicius, so yes, and hopefully nothing happens, within three days something happens in Moix treatmentOf you, Raillo, it cannot be said that you are guilty, but you will be partly responsible. You could have cleared the matter up, you could have spoken, but you haven’t. It was your decision, yours, to put the Real Madrid striker back in the center of the target. And man, and since you have given us all the morality of who would you put as an example and who would you not, if I had children, which I do not, I wouldn’t use you as an example either, honestly.

Racism is not a chrome, Antonio José, nor the wild card of the public. This is not a TV contest, it is not “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. Racism is a form of violence carried out by authentic degenerates towards those who have a different skin color than ours, and that is what is happening with Vinicius, who is terrific, how he is a plane, how he trolls you in the grass, downstairs you try to stop it in any way while up top they try to unbalance it in any way. And it’s not worth everything, Raillo, it’s not worth everything. Trust me, I’m older than you. To you, for example, the journalist Sergio Quirante has offered you the possibility of loosening the rope: “It’s a matter of the past”, “I don’t want to think about it anymore”, “when I see him on Sunday I’ll shake his hand”… Whatever, there are a thousand exits. But you, instead of condemning, for example, what happened last Thursday with that hanging doll, you have preferred to talk about the wild card of racism and you have wanted to set it as a bad example for children. And look, Raillo, honestly, the joker thing seems wrong to me but what you, Fali or Iván Alejo position yourself as a moral reference point for Spanish sport, I am not going to buy that from you. You may not use Vinicius as an example to your son, but it is not necessary because, according to the latest Deloitte Football Money League report, Real Madrid has 250 million followers all over the world and some of them will be parents I am convinced that they will set Vinicius as an example to their children.

Surely in the middle ground lies virtue. Surely Vinicius, who is a kid, still has a lot of things to correct, but man, Raillo, that among a few of you have organized the Moral Football Club overnight, that seems excessive to me. Of course, seeing him play the other day against the Real societyand before him Athletesand before against him Villarreal, I got to thinking: And how do you stop this boy? There is no lawful way to stop it, there isn’t. It’s a Boeing 747-400 racing a vespa. There is no color, since we are talking about racism. It is impossible to stop it. You have started to play the game today and, from the comments I have read on Twitter about what you have said, I am invaded by pessimism and anxiety. I think there is no solution, honestly there is not. Real Madrid can only pray to San Judas Tadeo and Santa Rita de Cascia so that they don’t break their player but I’m also pessimistic about that and I have my reasonable doubts. I think someone will hunt him down one day and I think when that time comes the first to raise their hands and lead the demonstration will be those who went to buy the matchbox.


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