Milan-Cortina 2026, no races in Baselga di Piné

The Olympic dream for Baselga di Pinè finally sets. The confirmation, after a few days of indiscretions, came from the president of Coni Malagò, who specifies: “”We evaluate the alternatives but there is no automatism that skating moves to Turin”. Piedmont and Turin Regions confirm their availability: “Involving the whole Alpine area logical and common sense solution”

Anything Winter Olympics on the Piné plateau. The races of skating for games of Milan-Cortina scheduled in 2026 they should have been held in Trentinoa Baselga di Piné, but the Olympic dream, after a few days of indiscretions, has definitively faded, as confirmed by the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, who spoke in a press conference with the local authorities in Baselga di Piné. “The International Olympic Committee -explained Malagò- reserves the right to indicate the main road to carrying out the games. I defended the original masterplan, but there comes a time when the indefensible cannot be defended: everything that has happened in the meantime , from Covid to the war, went against us. Baselga is not a victim, but one of the cases that systematically occur in the organization of an international event such as the Olympics”. On the possibility that skating will move to the Turin Oval, the president of Coni says: “There is no automatism that, after the disappearance of the Baselga di Pinè facility, brings long track skating to Turin -Malagò specified- The possibility exists, but the certainty is absolutely not. The alternatives are being evaluated and possible evaluations will be made”.

Games 2026, Piedmont and Turin available

Dal PiedmontMeanwhile, the president of the Region Alberto Cirio and the mayor Of Torino Stefano Lo Russo confirm their willingness to host the races, after the announcement of Trentino’s renunciation for Baselga di Piné: “We think that welcoming the availability of Turin and Piedmont, involving the entire Alpine arc, represents a logical and common sense solution for the best outcome of this extraordinary event. Turin and Piedmont confirm their total willingness to place themselves at the disposal of the country. Our interest is that Italy can once again express the best of itself and relaunch its international image. The Olympics are an extraordinary and unique event and for this very reason we are ready to immediately support the entire organizational machine with our wealth of facilities and professionalism. Turin and Piedmont can be an important support for meeting deadlines, containing costs and reducing the environmental impact of new plants. Our spirit is what sport has among its main values: working as a team to win a challenge that brings Italy’s image under the spotlights of the world”.

Malagò: “Trentino candidate for the 2028 Youth Olympics”

In exchange, the Alpine community of Baselga di Pinè will be able to count on the allocation of 50.5 million euros from the Province of Trento for the redevelopment of the ice stadium in view of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Olympics, which will be used to restore the structures for winter sports and for the tourist and economic revival of the area. “In his report – added the president of Coni – the Cio spoke of an underestimated and unsustainable investment for the area. What will be done now with the ice stadium will be a work that will not be a closed box, and c “is the commitment to bring high-level competitions. I requested that Baselga di Pinè be considered an Olympic venue, this is where the teams will come to train. And I thought of nominating Trentino together with Lombardy to host the 2028 Winter Youth Olympics” . The president of the Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, spoke together with Malagò: “We have done everything that had to be done to allow the construction of the ice stadium in Baselga di Pinè, as desired by the international federations of ice disciplines, budgeting 50.5 million euros. Technically there is still time, but in the face of estimated costs of between 70 and 75 million euros. With the costs increased, the question of responsibility and seriousness arises. The commitment is to make available the 50.5 million euros envisaged for the stadium for the purpose of arranging the ice discipline structures, for 29 million euros, while the remaining 21.5 million will be used for interventions on the plateau and neighboring territories for tourism, commercial, economic and environmental development”.


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