Julio Roca leaves the presidency of Zuzenak after 30 years


The forerunner of adapted sports in Vitoria decides to step aside within the sports club and hands over the baton to Roberto Ruiz de Apodaca

ivan benedict

Once upon a president glued to a camera. Affable, generous, supportive and elegant even to say goodbye and start a new cycle. Julio Roca (Vitoria, 62 years old) has ceased to be the president of Zuzenak, a sports club and a reference in wheelchair basketball. In a meeting held this afternoon, the founder of the entity and precursor of adapted sports in Vitoria has announced his resignation, alleging the wear and tear of recent seasons. He will continue to collaborate, he assures, but he steps aside and leaves a position from which he cannot leave in any other way than with all honors.

Through the front door of what will always be his home, planned, built and cemented with his purpose of integrating people with disabilities into sport. It is a constant demand. At nine months she fell ill with polio. A condition throughout his childhood and now for a lifetime, which affects the spinal cord and which, in the case of the greatest fan of photography from Vitoria (scoliosis, paralysis of the left side), marked an independent personality due to so much change of center during your treatment.

He spent some time in Górliz, in different schools in Alava and in Madrid, from where he returned to stay permanently with a clearly defined vocation. The Zalu copy shop helped him to have money and to be able to dedicate his life to giving birth and patronizing the Zuzenak. From the late 80’s to today. First in the shadow of other presidents and then for 30 years without interruption and combined with his involvement in covering the largest number of minority sporting events with his camera. He lowered the pseudonym of Jull Roc, publishes all the photographs of him on the web www.zuzenkipress.com. In this way, he is recognized by thousands of people from Vitoria and was distinguished as a Celedón de Oro in 2017 and a chupinero at the La Blanca festivities in 2015.

With Zuzenak he has achieved several milestones such as reaching more than 500 people with his physical exercise campaign and integrating 50 athletes from 8 different disciplines of adapted sports. In addition, he led the wheelchair basketball team among the best in the country. Established in the Division of Honor, where he was going to face his fifth consecutive season thanks to the good work of the quarry, he decided to resign and take a step back so as not to betray his philosophy of playing with only local players. Because his goal has always been to give disabled people around him opportunities to integrate and, yes, to compete. First, empathize, then help, and then everything else.

Already retired and dedicated 24 hours to photography, he leaves the club in one of its best moments. With the support of institutions such as the Provincial Council, the City Council, Fundación Vital or the Michelin company, Roberto Ruiz de Apodaca (Vitoria, 48 years old) takes the baton. Brother of the basketball player Iñigo, he joined the club as a volunteer several seasons ago and hopes to continue making the entity grow without losing its integrating and local philosophy. He will combine his work with his work as a driver for Tuvisa, with a purpose of continuing the line marked by the club’s alma-pater and who will continue to be devoted to the cause.


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