Dibu Martínez will have his tribute in Mar del Plata

Martínez, one of the main people responsible for the title / Twitter

The goalkeeper of the Emiliano “Dibu” Martínez National Team will be honored from 6:00 p.m. at the Arena Fest located on Playa Las Toscas in Mar del Plata, the same place where thousands and thousands of people from Mar del Plata watched his saves on a giant screen, according to what sources reported. officials of the spa city.

The “welcome” will be organized by the municipality of General Pueyrredón and, according to the spokespersons, the place will be full of families, friends and boys who are currently training as archers looking to be like their idol in the near future.

In addition to the warm welcome, the municipality will give the “Dibu” a distinction as an illustrious citizen of Mar del Plata.

Provincial deputy Natalia Sánchez Jáuregui (FDT) presented the bill to declare the national team goalkeeper as an illustrious citizen as well, but from the province of Buenos Aires.

In the foundations of the project, a journey through the origins of the footballer is made, who left the city as a teenager to start his career in Independiente and then, before making his debut in the First Division, went to play in England.


Paulo Dybala arrived last night at the Córdoba international airport, on a private flight in which he arrived from Rosario after leaving Messi and Di María, thanked them for the reception and said that he kicked the penalty in the middle in the definition against France because it was recommended to him “Draw.”

The goalkeeper of the Argentine National Team advised him that the shot, the second of the series, go to that sector of the goal defended by Lloris, because “they had missed before,” he said.

Dybala, after arriving in the provincial capital, quickly got into a truck and together with a couple of friends set out for his native Laguna Larga, just over 60 kilometers to the southeast.

In a brief dialogue with the local media, Dybala said: “I am very happy, thank you for coming to receive me. And now I’m going to Laguna Larga”.

“We couldn’t greet everyone (in Buenos Aires), but it was amazing. There is no dimension. We are grateful to the people who suffered the same as us and are now enjoying the same as we are,” he added.

When asked about the chance that the title would escape, he reflected: “In football, anything can happen, but it will be the most beautiful final of all the World Cups.”


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