discovering Kyudo!

Kyudo, or “way of the bow”, is a very special martial art, which Berrichons have been able to practice for a few years now. at the Jean Moulin gymnasium in Bourges. The activity was initiated there by Bill, who fell in love with kyudo thanks to his father, a martial arts lover. A passion he put aside for many years, before coming across a fiberglass bow for sale on the internet. A sign of fate, which pushed Bill to resume kyudo.

Regarding the practice itself, it’s a tasty mix of archery and Thai chi, as Bill Kleinsmith explains. ” It’s an extremely meticulous practice (…) you learn a movement cycle, a choreography (…) But you have to be sensitive to what’s going on in the group. There are things that really happen in unison ».

The goal of kyudo is self-development. There is no adversary; the adversary is oneself, explains Bill. The practice is rigorous. Importance is given to the quality of the posture and the gestures, more than to the precision of the shot. Clearly, the practitioner must have perfect movement in order to be able to transcend both mind and body. ” You have to be patient. And you have to understand that each time you go to the course, you receive corrections. We go home and everything has to be rebuilt ».

In Bourges, Kyudo lessons are offered on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. They are aimed primarily at adults. The club currently has 10 members. All information can be found at facebook page or Bourges Kyûdôjô websiteor by telephone on 02 48 50 40 46.


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