Tug of war and badminton, unconventional sports at Cus Camerino

INCLUSION – A delegation from the University Sports Center participated in the final event of Sponc! in Rome

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Sack race in Sponc

Cus Camerino was also among the twenty-five University Sports Centers that took part in the final event of “Sponc! – Unconventional sport for everyone”, staged in Rimini from Friday to Sunday. Over two hundred students, athletes, university professors, local administrators, sports managers and insiders were present.
Also present was the Cus Camerino delegation which, in synergy with Unicam’s governance, is always very attentive and oriented towards the third mission and the promotion of inclusion with particular regard to disability and the integration of foreign children. A project that has brought traditional games such as tug of war to Camerino, disciplines such as badminton and unconventional volleyball, involving athletes and young people even from distant countries.
sponc_cus_dressing room-1-325x217A great satisfaction for the Unicam rector, Claudio Pettinari, and for the president of Cus Camerino Stefano Belardinelli. Sponc! in twelve months it has changed the face of the Cus which have definitively opened up to the territory, tightening even more relations with the local administrations thanks to the support of Anci, project partner with AnciComunicare, and demonstrating once again that practicing sport is a tool enormous potential for the inclusion of the most disadvantaged categories.
sponc_cus_dressing room-5-325x217«I am extremely satisfied – underlined the Unicam rector Claudio Pettinari – for the success achieved by the Sponc Project, for which I thank the president of Cus Camerino Stefano Belardinelli and all his collaborators for their efforts to ensure that the initiative takes place in the best possible way and actively involves the girls and boys in our wonderful sports facilities. Sport belongs to everyone and for everyone, in fact sport means inclusion, team spirit, different skills made available to the group».

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