Alba manager Baldi demands training compensation from the NBA

Berlin (AP) – Managing Director Marco Baldi from the German basketball champion Alba Berlin is committed to training compensation for German talents who switch to the North American Basketball League (NBA).

“The NBA generates more than eight billion euros in sales per season. But just for the training of all these players who come from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, there is no money? They are delivered free of charge. This is a condition that I would like to take care of,” said Baldi of the “Berliner Morgenpost”.

As an example, the 60-year-old cites Moritz Wagner, who trained with Alba from the age of seven before moving to an American college and then to the NBA with the Orlando Magic. “We don’t get paid for it,” says Baldi, “but suppose Orlando dumped him onto their development team in the G-League right now because they don’t need him right now – which hopefully never happens. If he wanted to move from there to Alba Berlin, we would have to pay a fixed transfer fee.”

According to Baldi, this regulation was coordinated with the world basketball association Fiba and the NBA: “So it’s not about any kind of logic and certainly not about sustainability. It’s about power.” In view of the numerous talents outside the USA, Baldi would therefore like to have this passage changed, also because the other leagues have caught up in terms of quality and attractiveness: “I believe that the NBA must also have an interest in that players of this quality will continue to be supplied.”

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