Municipal basketball and volleyball schools are launched

From this Tuesday, August 9, at the sports field, girls and boys will be able to join the municipal basketball and volleyball schools for free.

The Director of Sports, Guillermo González, specified that there will be two classes per week with professors Juan Pablo Freggiaro and Edgar Bustos in charge of each discipline, respectively. Basketball will start at 6:30 p.m. and volleyball at 7:00 p.m. “There are many people interested, boys, girls and adults, mainly in volleyball, they have been consulting me. You are all invited, ”he stressed.

Taking advantage of the works carried out and the placement of lighting and containment nets, the space has been reconditioned for sports practice. “A lot of people from the corralón were working, making a great effort, with spaces for sports in full swing. We have accelerated a lot in the beach. We put more than 750 meters of containment net on the sides and back of the field, with a height of five meters. Drains, arches, basketball and mini-basketball hoop supports have been accommodated,” the official explained.

It should be remembered that, in addition, the Municipality has recently launched a tennis school, whose classes will begin on Friday the 12th.

In this way, roller skating, athletics, basketball, volleyball and tennis are the activities developed throughout the area and a sports initiation school will soon be incorporated.

FUENTE: Press Municipality of Villa Ascasubi


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