The best Ticino judokas were awarded in Chiasso

The 2022 Ticino Championships, organized by the local company DYK, fought on Sunday at the gyms of the elementary schools in via Soave in Chiasso. After two years of pause, due to the pandemic, it was finally possible to return to propose the tournament valid for the cantonal title. Eleven out of fourteen associations affiliated to Atjb present, four those hosted by nearby Lombardy. Twenty-eight titles awarded for one hundred and forty participants.

Seven titles won by DYK Chiasso and JB Bellinzona, which confirm themselves as particularly active companies. Four victories went to Vezia-Pregassona and three to JC Caslano. Entertainment guaranteed in particular in the junior / elite categories thanks also to the participation of some athletes from Lombardy. Valuable ippons in the +81 kg of Roberto Campi of Robur et fides of Varese, clearly superior to his opponents. The -81 kg category suffered and fought instead, which saw Martin Motta emerge who, in the final, got the better of the young Loris Perosa (who in turn had previously won among the cadets). Final fought in -73 kg with Angelo Melera who, thanks to a nice juji-gatame, overtook Niccolò Monté Rizzi; while in the -66 kg Andrea Collovà, who returned from Brazil, was decidedly inspired and winning.

Here are all the Ticino 2022 champions, awarded by the State Councilor De Rosa, the former director of the FSJ Samuel Knoepfel and the cantonal president Curzio Corno:

Schoolchildren B: -28 kg Giacomo Polimeni (DYK Chiasso), -30 kg Motja Morosoli (7+ Roveredo), -35 kg Samuel Gygaz (JC Caslano), -40 kg Jacopo Tettamanti (DYK Chiasso), -45 kg Riccardo Canali (DYK Chiasso) , -50 kg Christian Perosa (Bellinzona), +50 kg Eric Piazzini (JK Muralto)

Girls B: -32 kg Alexandra Lippuner (Vezia-Pregassona), -36 kg Giuly Giovinazzo (JB Lugano), +36 kg Murora Jankovic (St. Antonino)

Students A: -45 kg Giuseppe Pietropaolo (DYK Chiasso), -55 kg Aaron Dirks (JC Caslano), +55 kg Luke Bürgisser (DYK Chiasso)

Girls A: -50 kg Martina Fontana (DYK Paradiso), +50 kg Ginevra Monté Rizzi (DYK Chiasso)

Cadets U18: -55 kg Elia Casoli (JK Biasca), -60 kg Alessandro Rota (Vezia-Pregassona), -66 kg Martino Gada (Bellinzona), -73 kg Giordano Vittori (DYK Paradiso),
+73 kg Loris Perosa (Bellinzona)

Cadet U18: -53 kg Alice Orsi (Vezia-Pregassona), +53 kg Alessandra Regazzoni (DYK Chiasso)

Junior/senior M: -66 kg Andrea Collovà (JC Caslano), -73 kg Angelo Melera (Bellinzona), -81 kg Martin Motta (Bellinzona), +81 kg Michele Citriniti (Bellinzona)

Junior senior F: -52 kg Alice Orsi (Vezia-Pregassona), +52 kg Samuela Ceschina (Bellinzona)

During the event, awards were also distributed to Ticino judokas for 2021:

U15 Promise: Chiara Ambrosini (JK Biasca) and Martino Gada (JBC Bellinzona)

U18/21 Promise: Giulia Cambianica (JBC Bellinzona) and Loris Perosa (JBC Bellinzona)

Best Ticino Judoist: Lorenzo Corno (JC Ceresio Caslano)


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