Elvira Evangelista, the senator moved to Iv “suffers” from Grillino justicialism: but first she praised the life imprisonment and the Corruption Sweep

“I have decided to join Italia Viva for a suffering that I felt within the Movement: my legal training, as a lawyer, leads me to evaluate the issues having as a guideline the Constitution, which is guarantor, not executioner “. Like this Elvira Lucia Evangelista, vice president of the Senate Justice Commission and member of the Immunity Council, explains to the agencies the triple jump that led her to transform from grillina into Renziana in 48 hours. On January 18, the senator announced her farewell to the M5S group, anticipating however that she wanted to start “talks” with other parties, because – she explained – “my perspective is not that of being alone”. There is little left, in fact: just two days later here is the move in the ranks of Iv. “It could only be mine natural landing“, He comments. The 53-year-old from Nuoro, elected in 2018 thanks to 105 votes obtained from the Sardinian parliamentarians, she complains in fact that she “felt uneasiness several times over that double standard which distinguishes the M5S on judicial matters. Suffice it to observe the attitude held on the investigation concerning Beppe Grillo, where they suddenly rediscovered themselves as guarantors ”, he attacks.

For those who follow parliamentary events, in reality, the change of jacket it’s not entirely unexpected. Evangelista is one of the three M5S senators who joined in December abstained in the Council for immunities on two very delicate dossiers: the proposal to raise the conflict of attributions in favour of Matteo Renzi against the prosecutors in Florence and to reject the request for house arrest for the Forza Italia senator Luigi Cesaro, accused of external involvement in a mafia association. The abstention had attracted numerous controversies, so much so that the leader Giuseppe Conte had to guarantee that the vote in the Chamber on the Renzi case (still to be held) will be against. The new parliamentarian of Italia Viva had expressed autonomous positions from the Movement also with respect to the Cartabia reform of the criminal trial (which introduced the inadmissibility after two years on appeal and one in the Supreme Court), defined as “first of all a request of citizens” for “a leaner justice, fast and effective “, to vote yes”with conviction and courage“In order to make Italy” a country more attractive to investors “.

Yet the guaranteed turnaround of the senator dates back more or less to the birth of the Draghi government. Listening to his interventions of some time ago instead emerge much more tones “hand cuffs“: As when in October 2019 he lashed out against the sentence of the European Court of Human Rights which had rejected thelife imprisonment to the mafiosi who do not collaborate, “thereby canceling – said Evangelista – years and years of extraordinary results in the fight against the mafia, and consequently canceling the memory of judges Falcone and Borsellino and of all the victims”. The Strasbourg Court, he explained in the Senate, “demonstrates the lack of knowledge of our anti-mafia legislation at European level”, because it has expressed itself in favor of “a multiple homicide (the boss Marcello Viola, ed), known for doing behead his enemy and playing target practice with his head. If we extended the penitentiary benefits also to those sentenced to life imprisonment who did not collaborate, who would ever collaborate with the Italian justice system again? ”, He wondered. In January of last year, however, he claimed the “fight without quarter at the corruption and to any form of illegality “carried out by the M5S” with the Corrupt Sweeps Act“, Not really a totem of guarantors.

On the other hand, to appreciate the evolution just read the program of the M5S in 2018, the one with which Evangelista was elected to the Senate: on justice the objectives were prescription reform (that of Bonafede, which blocked it after the sentence in the first degree), the Daspo for the corrupt, the extension ofundercover agent and of wiretapping by trojans to corruption offenses. The excess of prescriptions – read the extended version – “helps offenders e corrupt who almost always manage to escape punishment ”: how would the candidate Evangelista comment on the Cartabia reform that she was so enthusiastic about once she was elected? The guarantor breath was stifled for so long that the senator, in an interview with Radical Radio the day after his farewell to M5S, he pulled it out all in one fell swoop: “You can no longer think of prison as the solution of everything“, She said, declaring herself willing to“ reason ”on Roberto Giachetti’s bill for a special early release of hundreds of detainees. Evangelista also endorsed the radical-League referendum on justice, in particular the one on separation of careers: “Right to give the floor to the citizens. The magistrate can do his job better if he is totally impartial ”. Who knows what his constituents think.


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