After the contract was extended, coach Sparta Vrba spoke about the fans, the offensive and the current position in the table

Another year and a half. The coach of the Prague Sparta Pavel Vrba extended the contract, which was to expire in the summer, and will continue in Letná until the summer of 2023.

Since February last year, he has been watching 55 matches on the Sparta bench in Prague, celebrating victory in thirty-three cases, scoring in seven and experiencing eleven defeats. The 58-year-old strategist Pavel Vrba has now extended his contract in Letná, where he insured his services until the summer of 2023.. The former coach of the national team or Viktoria Plzeň has now spoken about his feelings in an interview with Spartan television.

I’ve been feeling very well here in Sparta all year, so I’ve extended my contract. The club has a strategy, I believe we will do a lot in the spring. And that we will be satisfied in the summer, “He told Sparta TV. “My only condition was that the club agree with the implementation team. It was important to me what kind of people would stay around me. Since everyone also extended the contract, there was no problem, “He continues.

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We all see that everything works in the club, so we were glad that Sparta came up with this offer, “Adds the coach of the third set of the table. However, the people of Letna are losing only three points to Slavia. „Maybe the pressure is not as great as when you were first, on the other hand I claim that any loss hurts more than when you are first, “Adds Vrba, adding that the first five important matches can decide the fate of the spring part.

The? The beginning will be very important for us

Of course, a tough lot awaits us right from the start, we start in České Budějovice, then at home Victoria Plzeň, we play a cup match with Slavia, we play a cup match with Partizan, “He continues. “That beginning will be very important for us and if we manage it, then I think that after those four or five matches, we can talk more about meeting our goals. But you all know and everyone knows what we’re playing for, ”He says.

iPhoto source: AC Sparta Prague

He also returned to his beginnings at Letná, where he was not positively received by a number of supporters such as former coach Viktoria Plzeň or an assistant from Ostrava Baník. “I was waiting for what would happen to the fans, because my history was not ideal for some fans. On the other hand, I believe that after a year I convinced them that I want to do the maximum for Sparta and we are doing the work with the implementation team, which I hope to appreciate at the end of the competition., “He said.

A change of tactics? Sparta is playing offensively

That’s important to me. Sparta works the way a top-level professional club should work, He admitted, adding at the same time that there was no need to change his style of play. “I came to a team that wants to be offensive, where the player quality is. We know we have players who are very promising and look like they could get to the top of the table with Sparta. This is, of course, a great advantage, “He continues.

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When you come to a team that is average or plays for a rescue, you prefer another way. But Sparta has always played offensively and entertained the audience, which I think was a great success for that year. In some matches we did better, in some matches less, but I think the number of goals scored is a positive number. I hope that we will continue to do so in the spring, but we must do something about our defense, “The experienced coach concluded.

Source: AC Sparta Prague


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