“It’s ultra-impressive”, the first steps of the golfer Romain Langasque at the Tokyo Olympics

“We met in Paris with Antoine, one of the airport lounges was dedicated to athletes and staff members who go to Tokyo. In our plane, there were no other athletes, to my knowledge. But we still spoke with Iva Majoli, the Croatian who won Roland Garros in 1997, it was a hell of a meeting!

No worries during the trip and even on arrival. The health protocol is of course very important. Between landing and arriving at the Olympic Village it was a good three hours. But everything is very well organized and rather fluid, we scan a number of crazy QR codes, we repeat a saliva test and, when we have the green light, we go to the bus which takes us in a quarter of an hour to the Olympic village.

“It is very impressive, because each nation has its own building and the flags of each country are everywhere”

We found Jean Luc Cayla and Stéphane Arbaud, the two responsible for the FFGolf of the whole organization during these Games, and we settled down. It is very impressive, because each nation has its own building and the flags of each country are everywhere.

We are in apartments with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It’s a bit special with the beds a bit light, we feel that the construction is recent and not made to be very durable over time. The walls are very thin, but everything is nickel. We are alone with Antoine and we stay in the village until next Sunday.

We took a first tour of the gym which is truly gigantic, it’s ultra-impressive. It is based on fifty bikes next to each other, everything is proportional to the number of athletes present in the village, we must be between 12,000 and 15,000 during the fortnight!

The canteen is also an experience! It must be 5000 m2 with tables everywhere, plexiglass everywhere and stalls all over the place to eat 24 hours a day just about EVERYTHING you want. It’s crazy.

“We are going to parade and that could be quite an experience”

We are going to parade and that could be quite an experience. We will be the penultimate country to parade since France is hosting the Games in 2024. We will be just ahead of Japan, the host country. The last information we got is that the whole parade will be done normally, but without an audience anywhere. From what I understood the ceremony and all associated shows will take place. We’re going to golf on Sunday at the end of the day and start our preparation for the Olympic tournament on Monday. “



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