“68 is a better result than you might think”

Jon Rahm He said in the mixed zone at the end: “It was a good round of golf with important peaks. Agree that with the good weather and the little wind the return could have been better but the flags were complicated, they were not a joke. I don’t know if it has been seen on television but in my opinion they have been the most difficult flag positions I have ever seen ”.

And Jon continued to analyze the lap: “On a course like this that is not easy, even good shots can leave you very difficult putts, due to the undulations of the green and their speed. That is why 68 is a better result than I would have initially believed. A couple of bad shots have penalized me a lot ”.

And he concluded with a “could have finished with a blow or two less for tomorrow’s session but in general I repeat that it has been a good card, without a doubt.”


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