Recommended badminton rackets around 1000 | Badminton rackets within 1000/1000 (budget around 1000)

Recently, I have received many private messages from golfers asking what are the recommendations for badminton rackets within 1,000, what are the recommendations for badminton rackets of about 1,000, what are the recommendations for rackets of about 1,000, and what are the recommendations for badminton rackets below 1,000. These questions are similar. The rate is relatively high. In order to facilitate the selection of golfers, I took time to organize the related badminton rackets.

<img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,” data-size=”normal” data-rawwidth=”1280″ data-rawheight=”853″ class=”origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy” width=”1280″ data-original=”” data-actualsrc=””/>
Recommended for badminton rackets around 1000 | Badminton rackets within 1000/1000 (budget around 1000)

The following are the current high cost-effective badminton rackets of about 1000 recommended to everyone:

★★★ Yonex Yonex badminton racket★★★

1.yonex Yonex badminton racket blast light NF-700


2. Yonex badminton racket double-edged DUO 8XP

3. Yonex yonex badminton racket blast light NF-800

4. YONEX Yonex badminton racket bow and arrow ARC11 metal red

5. Yonex YONEX badminton racket sky axe AX99 full carbon

6. Yonex YONEX Badminton Racket Power VT-ZF2

7.YONEX Yonex badminton racket sky axe 100ZZ

8. Yonex YONEX Badminton Racket Nano NS9900LTD London World Championship Commemorative Edition

★★★★★ Li Ning badminton racket ★★★★★

1. Li Ning badminton racket raid 7C Wang Yilu with racket

2. Li Ning Mao racket brand new wind blade 900 Chen Long racket

3. Li Ning badminton racket winds 9000 with Shi Yuqi

4. Li Ning badminton racket energy 70 limited edition Zhang Nan battle racket

★★ Victor Victory Badminton Racket★★

1. Victor Victor Victory Badminton Racket TK-Onigiri

2. Victor Victory badminton racket assault TK-F Falcon single shot

3.VICTOR Victor Badminton Racket Speed ​​JS-12 II

4. Victor victory badminton racket super fast ARS-90K

The above is the recommended content about 1,000 badminton rackets. You can choose the badminton racket you like according to your own preferences and budget!

More articles about buying badminton rackets:

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If you have better suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss. If there are any omissions, please correct me!



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