Pito Abreu took command

The start was slow, but the engines of José Dariel Abreu They are at full capacity for the third month of the season: so much so that this Saturday the Cuban already took the vanguard of the tugs in Major League Baseball.

Leader of that department in the American League In the last two seasons, Pito dreams of retaining the throne and accumulates 45 RBIs –two over the Dominican Rafael Devers-, after the five that he has just signed up in the Saturday double program against the Orioles, including a homerun against John Means.

34 years old, the Cienfuegos player has no less than 228 chartered in 266 games from 2019 to today, and in his career he exhibits a whopping 716, the eighth highest historical total for Cuban players (by the way, it should soon reach 740 of Kendrys morales and, perhaps, the 775 of his namesake Cardinal).

“Sometimes the RBI numbers are disrespected by some,” said White Sox manager Tony La Russa. “But it is not easy to be a promoter. Abreu achieves it because he has great times at bat when he is up and when he is down in the count ”.

In the most recent two weeks the ’79’ found his best version with the club (slash line of .385 / .450 / .750 in 52 turns), and in this way he has decorated his statistics with an OPS of .874, very distant from the .690 with which it ended last April.

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